We. Know. People.
Improving workplace cultures
by igniting purpose, fuelling productivity, feeding wellbeing, transforming results
A Neuropsychologist…
A Clinical Psychologist…
And a Psychiatrist…
This is not the start of a joke and don’t freak out! We’re not going to analyse you…. or are we?!…. Well, what we will do is analyse every unique situation you bring to us and put all our high-falutin’, brainy skills into real-world, understandable and empathic solutions for you, your people and your business.
People are complicated but bringing out the best in them doesn’t have to be.
Contact Us
+44 7887 625 118
What the Stats Are Saying
“Presenteeism from mental ill health costs the UK economy £15.1 billion per year .”
— Centre for Mental Health
“Staff turnover, sickness and lost productivity resulting from poor mental health cost UK employers £42bn last year.”
— Stevenson / Farmer Review
“An investment of £40k in wellbeing at work can save companies £347k .”
— Mental Health Foundation
“Preventative mental health programmes provide good returns for the economy as a whole – around £2.37 for every £1 spent.”
— Public Health Matters
“We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.”
– Edmund Burke